South East Asia – 30 days


This year we head to a continent I have never visited – Asia. Bill has traveled to Asia when he was working but not to any of the places on this itinerary. We start with three days in Singapore, then eight days sailing in Thailand in the Amondan Sea near Phuket. From there we fly to Bangkok for three days before heading on a two week tour of Cambodia and Vietnam. We are traveling with old friends and new friends on this journey.


Singapore is an amazing city to start our first trip to Southeast Asia. The flight over here on Singapore Airlines in Business Class was just lovely. We slept, ate and watched movies and arrived rested and ready to hit the ground running. This city is clean, well organized with a mix of historic and modern...
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Thailand Sailing

The next leg of our trip is 9 days in Phuket, Thailand with 8 of those nights on a sailboat charter. The map below shows the general region where we will be sailing. At the end of the trip I will update with a nautical map showing our actual route. Jan 28th. Left Singapore for...
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Thailand Sailing Part 2

On Wednesday we had a long day of motoring to get to one of the Phi Phi islands, Phi Phi Don. Two of our group had some stomach issues and retreated to their cabins. We were expecting big winds and Captain Steve changed our course to avoid rough waters. I took what is supposed to...
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Thailand Sailing Part 3

Feb 2, Friday. It is hard to know what the date or day is. Or to know what day and time it is at home. We sailed from Koh Lanta to Koh Muk on Friday. Koh Muk is located in the Kantang District in Tang province of Thailand. It was a beautiful day for sailing...
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Thailand Sailing Part 4

Our eighth day on our sailing adventure. The motors started at 5.30 am since we had a long day to get back to Phuket. Kop gets up very early to make sure there is hot coffee for those who arise before sunrise. We stopped at a small island group called Koh Haa (five islands) to...
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Feb 6, 2024. We arrived in Bangkok in the afternoon of Feb 6th. Our travel agent in Vietnam (Minh) had arranged for a driver and a tour guide to pick up the six of us and take us into the town. We had the same driver and guide for our 3 days in Bangkok and...
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Cambodia – Siem Reap and Angkor

Our trip continues to Cambodia. The flight to Siem Reap was short. There is a brand new airport in Siem Reap but there was hardly anyone there. It looks like they get one flight an hour from the arrival board. The currency here is the Cambodian Rial but they gladly accept US dollars, according to...
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Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Feb 12 – 14, 2024 We drove from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, the capitol of Cambodia, which took about six hours through pretty boring terrain. This part of the country is flat. Some farms and many ramshackle homes line the roads we drove on. We stopped to see an ancient bridge at Kampong Kdei...
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Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Feb 14 – 16 Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Chau Doc, Vietnam On the morning of our departure from the Anik Hotel in Phnom Penh, Nash discovered that someone had stolen $150 from his wallet and replaced the two bills with plastic counterfeits. We are positive that it happened during the short time we were all...
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Northern Vietnam – Ha Long Bay, Hanoi and Travel Home

Feb 17 – 23 Halong Bay We left Saigon on Feb 17th wishing we had scheduled one more day to see a few more sights. We flew to Haiphong which is the closest airport to Ha Long Bay. As always, a driver was waiting to take us to our hotel in Ha Long Bay City....
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