Day 9 Arrival in Rome

Flew on EasyJet from Athens to Rome. Even scheduled a decent departure time at 10am. Figured out the location of the hotel using my phone and map feature ahead of time (gotta love the Internet). But wasn’t sure how I was going to get to my hotel. I hate paying a lot of money for taxis. My tour planner had recommended a private driver – not this girl. The flight attendants on the plane were selling tickets for a shuttle bus into the center of Rome. They assured me it was a short walk from the Piazza Cavoura stop and my hotel. I did get a taxi from the Piazza to hotel – it would have been too far to walk with luggage.

Stayed at L’Angelo di San Pietro, a charming B&B located near St. Peters Basilica. Room was large with a balcony overlooking the courtyard and slight views of the dome of St. Peters.

L'Angelo di San Pietro - hotel in Rome near St. Peters
L’Angelo di San Pietro – hotel in Rome near St. Peters

I had prepurchased a ticket to the Borghese Gallery, a museum located in the North part of Rome. I waited a little too long to leave the hotel, not knowing my exact mode of transportation. Walked to a metro stop recommended by the hotel. However the distance from the metro to the museum was far, 30 minute walking fast. I was worried because I had a reservation for 3pm and the guide books said you could lose your reservation. The museum is in a lovely park that used to be the grounds of a Cardinal’s mansion and its estate. Lots of Italian families enjoying the gardens but noone I asked knew where the museum was.

There was no problem getting in, even a little late.  The museum was filled with world-class Baroque sculpture including Bernini’s David and Apollo chasing Daphne (and she turns into a tree), and famous paintings by Raphael, Carravagio, and Titian. The descriptions for each painting were okay – I eavesdropped on a couple of English tours (but they went so slow…). And my Rick Steve’s Rome guidebook had some good information. I found that after you go through all these world class museums it is hard to remember what you saw where without being able to take some pictures.

Rome - Fountain outside Galleria Borghese
Rome – Fountain outside Galleria Borghese

Nothing special about dinner on my first night in Rome. Just ate at a place that was available when I was ready to eat. Tried their self service appetizer bar – all cold dishes. Interesting. Best thing about dinners in Greece and Italy is the 4 euro carafe of red wine!

Italy is very crowded even in September at the popular tourist spots. Walked by the Spanish Steps and there was a band playing and it was shoulder to shoulder. My goal for this trip was to avoid these types of crowds to see the museums and famous sites.

Rome - Spanish Steps
Rome – Spanish Steps

My feet were aching by the time I did the museum and then walked home. Called it an early night to get ready for a full day of touring on Sunday.

Rome - Piazza Novena
Rome – Piazza Novena

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