Glad we had clear skies for our morning tour of the township. Afterwards our guide dropped us at the Q&A Waterfront where we enjoyed lunch at one of the harbour restaurants – feeling a little guilty though for enjoying a meal with white tablecloths after visiting neighborhoods where people don’t have running water.
We had bought a two day bus pass so we found our way to a “blue line” bus which toured the areas south of the mountain. By then it was raining hard so the only place we got off was Groot Constantia, a vineyard in the Cape Town city limits. We only had about an hour to walk around and taste some wines. We bought a couple of reds (one I’m drinking now as I write).
Halfway through the ride back as we circled the western seashore again we jumped off and got a cab back to the B&B. After a long day we decided to skip dinner and get in the bed at 7:00pm and read our books. When it rains here it’s like a tropical storm at home and its cold.