On Thursday I arranged to go on two game drives at (somewhat nearby game parks). Madeline drove me to Addo Elephant National Park to meet tour group, about 35 kilometers from the house. Our driver and guide was Malcolm with Schotia Safaris. He was very knowledgable about the animals and their patterns and was able to ensure that we saw a wide variety of animals during our 11 hour tour. Yes it was a long day but sitting around the house all day would have been a lot longer!


Our day was broken up into two tours and lots of refreshment breaks. First we spent about three hours in Addo primarily to see the elephants but there are many other animals in Addo as well. Most of the elephants in the area were killed by aggressive hunting until 1920. At that time the concept of a preserve for the few remaining elephants was conceived and evolved over the next 30 years as they tried to figure out how to “elephant proof” fences. Over the years many other species have been introduced such as eland, zebra, cape buffalo, lions, and rhinos.

We were able to see large groups of elephants at their watering hole at Addo. They walked all around our car and at some points my long lens was too long and I had to switch back to the wide angle. Today made it worthwhile to lug the heavy Canon 40d digital slr and two lenses throughout this trip. It was a clear sunny day, perfect for game viewing. These parks at not zoos. The animals are wild, though they are used to cars. The preserves or parks are fenced (Africa is covered in fences) but the size of the parks is large.


Addo is a self drive park where you stay on paved roads. However Addo has many 4×4 trails, hiking trails, fishing and overnight accommodations.

After our tour of Addo we drove 30 minutes to Schotia where we had lunch and picked up some new people (a lovely Irish family of six and their guide) and switched to an open air 4×4 truck (Toyota of course). Malcolm was an excellent driver as he meandered up and down the hills on dirt tracks. We saw many animals up close and each of us got a chance to sit on what we call the “bimbo seat” on a sailboat. This was a seat attached to the front of the truck where you had a fantastic view as the truck barreled though the bush. The late afternoon sunshine was perfect and my favorite photos were of the giraffes, the zebra and the red billed oxpecker sitting on the rhino’/ back.


At 4:30 we stopped at one of the “accommodations” up high on the property for “tea”. A fire was roaring in this simple lodge and we had hot biscuits with butter and honey and hot drinks. Now this may sound odd but I ran out to the “loo” which happened to look over a fabulous vista if you left the door open which I did!

After tea we climbed back into the truck and bundled up with hats, scarves, jackets and blankets. As soon as the sun sets it gets cold in the bush. We saw a few nocturnal animals after dark but not a lot. However Malcolm was determined that we would find the lions. So we drove up and down and round and round the property. Now he is driving a truck with manual transmission through rough paths and holding a spotlight in his right hand all the time looking for game. By 6:00 pm we were all freezing and ready to head to dinner and campfire. But we kept driving until it was close to 7!

Finally we arrived at Schotia’s open air lapa. No electricity, just oil lanterns, thatched roof and a campfire awaited us. Dinner is a hot buffet that was cooked in typical black kettles over hot coals. The food was perfect for the setting – hot, simple and tasty. The buffet included kudu with mashed potatoes, butternut squash halves, chicken that fell off the bones, vegetable medley and gravy.

While we are enjoying dinner, the lions started roaring. So we quickly finished dinner and loaded up into the truck to find the lions. We were able to locate the male who was laying under a tree. He never got up that we could see. But just down the road was the rest of his pride – several females and six or seven cubs. An amazing scene, they are all crouched in the grass and the full moon appeared above the ridge behind. They let the truck come close while we shined lights on them.

The tour ended at nine and the driver took me 30 minutes back to Addo where we met my hostess Madeline for 20 minute ride back home. Bill was waiting up to hear about my day. As soon as he tags out on his hunting we will arrange for him to go on a similar day safari.


Schotia has overnight accommodations (camping style) combined with game drives and meals that are reasonable. 1300R per person for a game drive in afternoon or morning and accommodations and one meal or 1800R for two game drives and accommodations and meals.

During our day at both parks we saw the following:
Red hartebeest
Burchelis zebra
Aardwolf (unusual to see during daylight)
Red billed oxpecker (sitting on rhino)
White rhino (larger than black rhino)
Vervet monkey
Cape grysbok
Barn owl






















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Day 15 – Game Viewing

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