Breck to Laramie to Cody

Have 5 free days for a road trip over Labor Day while our Breck house is rented.

There is a lot of wide open spaces driving from Colorado to Wyoming. We stayed at AmericInn in Laramie and had steak dinner at J’s Steakhouse.

We had originally planned on driving to Steamboat but it was raining hard in Colorado and sunshine was in forecast in Wyoming.

On Friday, we drove from Laramie to Cody through miles of open country. One highlight was a detour to Independence Rock , the halfway point for pioneer emigrants travelling from Missouri to West Coast via the Oregon Trail.



Another highlight was the Wind River Gorge just south of Thermapolis.



This is what Wyoming highway looked like.


In Thermopolis we went to State Park hot springs but the outdoor pools were closed so we soaked inside in the small pool.

Arrived in Cody to a fancy western style hotel  Best Western Premier Suites. Thankful for TripAdvisor, Yelp, Maps and cellular Internet access.

Dinner at “Local” restaurant.

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